Cities for Children and Youth Affiliates

Cities for Children and Youth Alliances

On June 27 2022, the Global Alliance – Cities4Children announced at the World Urban Forum in Katowice (Poland) the next phase of the alliance: to build country-level alliances.
The competitive call was launched in July 2022.
We received numerous applications from organisations in 29 different countries.

After a thorough selection process, 3 organisations from 3 different continents (Asia, Africa, Latin America) were selected to set up and lead national Cities for Children and Youth Alliances in their respective countries.

The countries that were selected to set up a national Cities for Children and Youth Alliance are: Bangladesh, Colombia and Kenya.

Steering Commitee


The Cities for Children and Youth Alliance in Bangladesh is led by Save the Children Bangladesh.

Cities4Children Kenya


The Cities for Children and Youth Alliance in Kenya is led by the Green Flag Association.

Cities4Children colombia


The Cities for Children and Youth Alliance in Colombia is led by Hill Consulting.

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