Photo: AfricaImages


We are an interdisciplinary Global Alliance of over 25 organisations working together to ensure that child rights are firmly embedded in the urban agenda

Childhood is increasingly
becoming an urban experience

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Photo Credit: NACTO-GDCI / DSfK Press Image City of Tirana

1 in 3 urban children is
growing up in a slum

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Photo Credit: Emdadul Islam Bitua / Save the Children

Resource Spotlight

Inclusive Cities for Children with Disabilities: A Focus on Slums and Informal Settlements

This brief provides an analysis of the quality of life of urban children with disabilities, with a particular focus on slums and informal settlements in rapidly urbanising low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). It details the challenges and barriers affecting their health, education, safety and ability to live an independent life, which may be especially severe for children in slums and underserved settlements. The briefing outlines practical and actionable advice for practitioners and policymakers on ways to improve the lives of all urban children with disabilities. While many are not specific to the context of slums and informal settlements, they apply more broadly to making LMIC cities more inclusive of all children with disabilities.

Read the ToRs here

3-year anniversary of our website

1st of June 2024

We’ve been creating and curating content to make knowledge more accessible, to communicate and advocate for better cities for children and youth. We’re celebrating our 28 member organisations, 9 research-to-action briefs, 50+ blogs, guest writers, advocacy efforts, joint events and the 160+ resources on the knowledge hub!

Resource Spotlight

'Improving Road Safety for Urban Children'

This brief provides an analysis of the quality of life of urban children with disabilities, with a particular focus on slums and informal settlements in rapidly urbanising low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). It details the challenges and barriers affecting their health, education, safety and ability to live an independent life, which may be especially severe for children in slums and underserved settlements.


Read the paper


Do you have insights, case studies, success stories, ideas, new tools, research to share with others? Please contact us and we will be delighted to include your news.